Supply Chain Flow Resources
Supply Chain Flow Resources - Photography by Joey Kyber


Here is a list of the very best supply chain management resources that will keep you up-to-date on the industry as well as Supply Chain salary and job market insights.

Salary information and State-of-the-industry

Take a look at Association for Supply Chain Management's (ASCM), [formerly named APICS], Supply Chain Salary Survey. I think it's a great resource for gauging your current and future benchmarks for your Supply Chain career. If you're wondering about salary, you can also read our article "Are you being underpaid in your Supply Chain Career?" for further review.

Industry Standard Certifications

ASCM is also the leader on certifications for Supply Chain. You can read more on their site here regarding certifications they offer. Thinking of taking one of their exams? Read through our article Is an ASCM Certification Right for Me? before taking the plunge.