Man writing on notebook, text reads Start Here by Supply Chain Flow
Start Here - Photo by Startup Stock Photos

Start Here

Supply chain encompasses such a large network of career paths, it can be difficult to know where to start if you're thinking about making the switch or going in this direction after school. Here, I've broken down a few key places on the site to start your research.

1. Finding a Supply Chain Job

  1. Getting a Good Job in Supply Chain
  2. How to Progress in a Supply Chain Career
  3. How to Cater your Resume for Supply Chain
  4. Optimize your LinkedIn for Supply Chain
  5. Tips for Applying for Supply Chain Jobs


2. Learning Terminology, Technology and Best Practices

  1. How to Network in Supply Chain
  2. What Programs to Learn within Supply Chain
  3. Key Supply Chain Terminology
  4. International Shipping 101


3. Getting Certified

  1. Is a Certification right for me?
  2. Standard Supply Chain Certification Reviews
  3. Supply Chain Certification Comparison